Friends for Fitz

Friends for Fitz provides help to families in need.

Every family deserves support in difficult times. Together, we can bring relief to families in our community. Join us in the cause today.

Who We Are

We are a nonprofit created in memory of Bill Fitzgibbons.

Established by friends and family, the nonprofit is dedicated to supporting local families facing hardships by providing various forms of assistance. Through events like our annual summer festival, we raise funds to make a positive impact in the lives of families who could use a helping hand.

Friends for Fitz Fest 2025
Families We've Helped

We have provided assistance to more than 10 local families this year.

Friends for Fitz provides support to local families facing unexpected challenges. With the generosity of our community, we are able to step in and offer assistance during difficult times. Each family we help reflects our mission to bring stability and hope to those in need, and we are proud to make a difference, one family at a time.

Read the Higgins Family Story